December Book Update

Posted by sparkkitten on December 14, 2009 in My Books |

Hi. Currently I am working on (figuratively) millions of books. They were all started from short sparks of inspiration, so they might not be finished (in fact, it is very likely). Sometimes, writing just because you want to write feels just as good as writing a story that you know is actually going somewhere.

So, therefore, many of the books that I am writing now will not be completed (dry your eyes, here’s the good news ->) but some are likely to see an end. Here’s a list of the books that I have confidence in in completing:

1) A Glint of Topaz in a Black Pit

2) Kathleen

3) Wolf of the Sky

And here’s a little information on each:

A Glint of Topaz in a Black Pit is a romance. It is told past-tense, first-person by Topaz, a young adult who finds herself caught up in a love-at-first-sight romance, while climbing a word-wide-known inactive volcano, with Nick. When she follows him home, she finds that Nick has a girlfriend, Katie.

The next day, Topaz goes to the Black Pit of Lava (the inactive volcano) to find Nick (as she hoped) there, but, she finds much to her disappointment, Katie with him. After climbing, Katie discourages her by telling her that Nick hates her…!

BUT WAIT!! I’m giving away the whole story!! Sorry, no more for now.

Wolf of the Sky I am writing for a friend, so it will definitely be finished. It is about a wolf who faces a tragic accident in the beginning of the book, including the death of — ah, you won’t squeeze any more info out of me till later!

Kathleen is still in the planning, but I hope it turns out. It is told in first-person by Kathleen (of course. The title says it all) and is VERY likely to be told in past-tense. I write best in past-tense.

Well, that’s all for now. Stay tuned for new updates on my books!

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