Posts by sparkkitten:
Tree And Seagull At Hawrelak Park

I was trying to get a good pic of a seagull and ended up with several pics of blank sky. Luckily, I got a few quality pics of seagulls and this is one of them.
Everyone’s Favorite Pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow Returns In “I’ve Got A Jar Of Dirt”!
The Ultimate Pet-YOU Decide!!!!!
You have a greatly important choice before you. You must decide which animal is the ultimate pet. Your firstchoice is between the furry feline and the awesome crazy canine. (Cat and dog). Get your votes in by May 10th! The winner of these two shall face the beautiful bird.
Mommy Kitty Comes And Rescues Her Kitten (Really Cute!!!!!)
Winner To “What’s Your Favorite Animal?” (Move Over, Simba)
One person voted “Elephant” under “Other”. That was my only vote so the elephant is the new king of the jungle!
Winner To “Who’s Your Favourite Actor?”
Ian McKellan is the winner. Unfortunately only one person voted. Get your votes out there, people!
Winner To “What Should I Name My New Pet?”
The winner is “Amba”. A very nice name. Unfortunately, Only one person voted.
You know that you should reduce, reuse and recycle. In this, I talk about recycling. You should have a blue box or bag that you use for recycling. You can put paper (no tape etc.), newspaper, all kinds of paper in the recycling bag/bin. You can recycle many more things. Find out more at the […]