About sparkkitten

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  • Biography: Cats...are my life. I love them so much! Writing is what I do, and I'd never want to do anything else...ever.

Posts by sparkkitten:


The Tellams – Part 5

Posted by sparkkitten on December 24, 2010 in General, Stories |

The last loud crack of the chisel on the ice echoed in the quiet room. In a short moment of panic, Coral glanced at David to see if he’d heard. No, he was still sleeping.

Pulling the chisel away from the wall, Coral stuck her head through the new hole, then her shoulder, soon followed my her other shoulder. Once she could stick her hands out in front of her, she pushed against the ice walls of the cube and managed to wriggle her way out of the hole.

Doing a silent victory dance, Coral tiptoed to the tall doors, and opening them a crack to see in anyone was there, she started for the long hallway of rooms, checking the doorknobs for the promised silver ribbon.

At last she came to the right door, and knocked as quietly as she could.

Arianna had been asleep, and she answered the door dressed in the shimmery night gown that showed she was a subject of the queen. When the sisters saw each other, their faces lit up, and Coral was quickly and enthusiastically herded into the room.

“You did it!” Arianna exclaimed in a whisper.

“Yes, thanks to you,” answered Coral. “So what do we do now?”

“Well, Isabella asked me to go with her to visit her brother, Aaron. I’ve agreed, and have already written to him, telling him of our plans–he will help us. I will hide you in a trunk–we’ll be staying a couple days, of course–and then hide you in my guest room. When it comes time to leave, I will tell Isabella that I resign from her service, and we will both stay with King Aaron as cooks, or housekeepers, or whatever.” Arianna sucked in a deep breath. “How does that sound?”

Coral was, frankly, stunned. Stunned that her little sister had come up with what was really a brilliant plan, and also because she’d actually had a crush on Aaron, back when everything was normal.

“Uh…good. Great plan. When do we leave?”

“Early tomorrow morning. But first…” Arianna pulled a life-size ice sculpture that looked exactly like Coral. Clothes had been painted on and hair and a face, also shoes. “Will it fit through the hole in the wall?”

“Yeah, I think,” Coral stuttered, eyes wide with awe. “But how did you make that?”

Arianna blushed. “Isabella has been teaching me ice magic, so I tried my best. It isn’t really that much like you, but the walls will distort it. And, you know I’ve always liked painting–”

The sound of footsteps interrupted them. “Hide!” Arianna whispered frantically.


“Anywhere, just hide!”

Coral jumped into the laundry basket and closed the lid, and Arianna jumped into bed, closing her eyes, and appearing to be asleep.

There was a knock at the door. When nobody answered, Isabella opened the door herself. “Come on, wake up, Arianna.” She nudged her with her finger and the girl stirred. “We have to make an early start, it seems.”

The Tellams – Part 6 coming soon.


The Tellams – Part 4

Posted by sparkkitten on September 26, 2010 in General, Stories |

“David? What are you doing here?” asked Coral, watching as Isabella shot ice from her palm, creating a cube, like Coral’s. “I can’t speak to you,” David mumbled. “Why not?” David didn’t reply this time. In his head, he pictured Coral’s reaction if he told her about the incident with Arianna. It wouldn’t be a […]


The Tellams – Part 3

Posted by sparkkitten on August 14, 2010 in Stories |

“Arianna,” David whispered, completely unaware that a few steps away, Coral was listening. “What is it?” Arianna asked nervously. What if he’d heard her speaking to Coral–about escaping? What if he was about to expose her? “Arianna, I can’t stop thinking about you.” Coral frowned in confusion and pushed up against the wall to hear […]


The Tellams – Part 2

Posted by sparkkitten on July 1, 2010 in Stories |

“Coral?” Arianna asked between licks, “I been tinkin’. Maybe I sould join Isabella. Then I could get you out of here,” she continued, still licking. “No!” Coral protested, “Dat’s stupid! It’s yer worst idea yet! Go back to cleaning the thloor!” They heard a cold laugh from behind them, and looked up to see Queen […]


The Tellams – Part 1

Posted by sparkkitten on July 1, 2010 in Stories |

Imagine yourself a pea. Now imagine being thrown in the garbage because you have not been eaten with the rest of the dinner you were part of. The garbage can would be rather dark, wouldn’t you say? You would be very, very depressed in there. This is how Arianna and Coral Tellam felt while they […]


Hint of a Story

Posted by sparkkitten on July 1, 2010 in General, My Books, Stories |

After careful consideration, I have decide on the main character’s name. I also have the name of her sister (age yet to be determined) and the name of a guy they meet. Remember that Adventures on Mars is no more, and any ideas copied from there are pure coincidence. *wink* Happy reading!


Cancelled – Possible Beginning

Posted by sparkkitten on July 1, 2010 in General, My Books, Stories |

Many of you readers have seen my part-by-part story, Adventures on Mars. Well, there is not going to be a “Part 10”. The story shows no sign of sparking up, and regaining interest, so I’m packing up that story. However, I may begin a new part-by-part story once I get a rough idea of what’s […]


Happy Birthday, Canada!

Posted by sparkkitten on July 1, 2010 in General |

Woo-hoo! It’s Canada Day, and Canadians all over are celebrating – fireworks, music, cheering! Go Canada! Here’s a wonderfully canadian video for all of you reading this blog: Enjoy! And rock on, Canada!


Prepare for an Eclipse!

Posted by sparkkitten on June 30, 2010 in General |

Whoo! Today, June 30th, 2010, is the day the movie Eclipse comes out in theatres! Eclipse is the third in a series of four, based on the books by Stephanie Meyer. (In case you don’t know, the saga goes Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn) Last night, I heard they showed a midnight viewing (for […]


Current and Discontinued Books

Posted by sparkkitten on June 30, 2010 in My Books |

Current Books (books I am working on these days): Two untitled books, Samantha and The Other Side of the Apple: a Twilight Parody. Discontinued Books (books I began, but will not be completed): The Troubled Days of Tabbetha Vikonik, The Sarah Sing Series, and possibly Eye Lyds. I hope I do not disappoint any readers […]

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